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Why your membership matters:

Help support FireSafe Montana as we broaden and explore new proactive strategies to educate, prepare and prevent wildfire together by becoming a voting member!

Individual, families and corporate sponsors are invited to join FireSafe Montana at the rates listed below.  Memberships are renewed each January.  Memberships paid from January through December are due for renewal in January of the following year.  To become a member, please provide the information requested below via Paypal or Click here for the downloadable Membership Application to mail in your membership form and dues.

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Company Name
Email Address:

If you would like to donate to FireSafe Montana and receive a complimentary membership please scroll below for more information. *All donations and memberships are tax deductible.


FireSafe Montana recognizes that our strength lies in our partners, members, collaborators, and sponsors!

We greatly appreciate any contribution whether it be your time or your donations!  All gifts are ordinarily tax deductible.

You can donate by mail or online using paypal below.  To donate by mail please download our Pledge/Donation Form.

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Website Designed and Developed by Shortgrass Web Development.